Plum Pudding

This is a recipe we tried for our Indian Lore Merit Badge


  • Plums

  • Sugar

  • Cornstarch


Wash plums, put in a pot and add enough water to cover them. Bring to a boil and cook until the plums split and most of the fruit comes away from the seeds. Cool and strain juice from seeds and fruit. Put the juice in a pot and bring to a boil. Make a paste using cornstarch and hot water. Use about 3 tablespoons cornstarch to 1/4 cup hot water. Stir well so there aren't any lumps. Slowly add the paste to the boiling juice. It should thicken the juice into pudding. If it isn't thick enough add more paste. Remove from heat and add sugar to taste.

Note: In the early fall you can go out and pick wild plums. If you go after the first frost, lay a blanket under the plum bush and shake the bush. The plums will come right off of the branches and land in the blanket. Plums grow all around the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. This pudding is great with warm fry bread.

This recipe is from the St. Labre Indian School

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